
Domestic Violence Prevention During the Pandemic: Sharing Taiwan’s Experience

As the secretariat of the Asian Network of Women’s Shelters, every year GOH works with our regional partners to hold an annual conference, bringing together organizations from all over Asia to share experiences and what we have learned. In 2020, due to the global pandemic, the conference was held online, with 2,111 participants coming together over 18 sessions. GOH was able to share our expert knowledge on shelter management and Taiwan’s experiences in preventing domestic violence while networking with fellow NGOs across the Asia region.

There has been a global rise in incidents of gender-based and domestic violence during the COVID pandemic. Many of those attending the conference were experts in gender violence, social services, and social work from both Asia and around the globe. The conference provided a platform for them to come together with frontline workers and experienced shelter managers to exchange views and ideas, especially on how to improve policies and the running of shelters during the pandemic.

Distinguished guests at the conference included CEDAW Committee Chair Bandana Rana, Asia and the Pacific UN Women Regional Advisor on Ending Violence against Women Melissa Alvarado, renowned Australian investigative reporter on issues of domestic violence Jess Hill, and noted Egyptian-American feminist activist and journalist Mona Eltahawy. Representatives from Taiwan included Chi Hui-jung (紀惠容) of the National Human Rights Commission for the Government Control Yuan and MOFA Department of NGO International Affairs Director-General Constance Wang, who gave an address on Taiwan’s domestic violence prevention policy during the pandemic and expressed how seriously the Taiwanese government takes this issue.