
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Asian Girls in Action Project 2023

Since 2012, the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH) has been actively promoting the Asian Girls Campaign (AGC), focusing on empowerment as its core strategy and education as its core value to empower girls. This year, AGC is excited to announce that we are launching a new program: Asian Girls in Action Project. 

The aim of this program is to support girls aged 14-19 to accomplish their projects whose goals are to achieve at least one of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From practice, we expect the participants to understand their power and be ready to be the leader for the next generation. 

Project Activities Description:


In order to achieve the goal, we cooperate with iEARN Taiwan to host project-based learning (PBL) workshops, both online and physical ones, to help participants to design their project better. Besides, the participants will join the visiting tour in Taiwan in July, which provides exchange opportunities with other teenagers using PBL to accomplish their project and learning opportunities from Taiwan’s NGOs, social enterprises and the private sector. After that, the participants will put their project into practice in August with a budget around $400 USD. It will be a try-out of their projects, where the participants could apply what they’ve learned in the tryout as the first step to accomplish their long-term goals.


After the project try-out, the participants will be required to host a presentation in their local community in September, mainly a reflection of what they have learned along the journey, and how they would apply these experiences to the future plan. There will be a final online presentation for all participants in October, where we will invite judges to listen to the participants about their learning and the revised project, and then decide on 3 projects as Annual SDG projects, of which extra funding will be provided. 



  • Participants: Girls aged from 14 to 19 who are interested in SDGs and willing to become a leader to accomplish SDGs project.
  • From: Anywhere in Asia
  • Total participants: 5-8 girls
  • Working language: English
  • Support offered: Besides all the training courses, we will fund the traveling expenses of visiting tour to Taiwan, including round trip flight fare, accommodation, meals and local transportation in Taiwan, visa fee and travel insurance. Besides, we will provide $400 USD for the project try-out per each participant.
  • For application, plan of project media exposure in your country/community will be a big plus.
  • For application, plan of involving participation of influential guests (government authorities, celebrities, well-known activists, etc) in the project will be a big plus.



  • Deadline to apply: May 12 (Friday)
  • Admission announcement: May 19 (Friday) 
  • Participants Ice-breaker online session: May 27 (SAT)
  • PBL online session: June 10 (SAT) & July 1 (SAT)
  • Visiting Tour to Taiwan: July 16 -22
  • Project try-out duration: August 
  • Presentation in local community: September 
  • Final Presentation & annual projects selection: Oct 14 (SAT)


REQUIRED SUBMISSION (See attachments):

  • A 2-minute video of applicant’s self-introduction & brief intro of the project
  • Application Form (See Attachment 1)
  • Recommendation Letter (See Attachment 2)
  • Please download the application/ recommendation letter file here: https://reurl.cc/V8VVY5  
  • Please send your application to: Ms. Patty Chan (goh2165@goh.org.tw) 



(1) All the details might be differ due to unexpected changes, and GOH reserves the right of final interpretation.

(2) For the age requirement, applicants must be between 14 -19 years old during the period of registration and the project (May to October, 2023).