
2018 Asian Conference of Women’s Shelters & Japan National Shelter Symposium

2018 Asian Conference of Women’s Shelters & Japan National Shelter Symposium

In order to strengthen and deepen the relationship with the All Japan Women’s Shelter Network, The Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH) held the Asian Conference of Women’s Shelters annual conference in Sapporo, Japan in 2018. The theme of the event focused on the progress of domestic violence prevention law and the current operation and management of shelters in various countries.

The All Japan Women’s Shelter Network held its 21st National Shelter Symposium in Sapporo, Japan on November 3-4, 2018; the Asian Conference of Women’s Shelters was held at the same location prior (October 31-November 2). The conference results would be used at the symposium for a wider and in-depth discussion with the hope of effectively strengthening the relationship between network organizations and expanding connections of the Asian Network of Women’s Shelters. The conference served as an international platform for scholars, researchers, and shelter-related workers to discuss interdisciplinary research and practice in the field of establishing and operating shelters in Asia, and collecting and analyzing domestic violence data.

The symposium was opened by Space On Shelter Executive Director Yamazaki Kikuno, who said she had attended the first national conference as a survivor of violence who had just fled her husband with her two children. She said she found sanctuary in a women’s shelter. On this very day, Sapporo and the whole prefecture of Hokkaido was a model for shelter services in Japan.

Delegates from the Asian Conference of Women’s Shelters met with Gender Equality Bureau Director General Toshie Ikenaga and invited her to attend the 4th World Conference. #anws #gnws #vaw #4wcws